EDIT 2021-07-11: the script described below has been added to the author’s hometools repository on sourcehut.org
Needed some space on the disk.
Had some music, some of it were wav files.
Threw together this script to transmogify it into ogg using ffmpeg.
Statistics say that 24 wav files occupying 1,7 GiB was made into 24 ogg files occupying 105 MiB, a reduction to ~6% (du -h calculates 2^10 numbers but uses SI 10^3 prefixes..).
miki@filly:~/Music$ find . -iname "*.wav" -print0 | sed s/.wav/.ogg/g |du --files0-from=- -h -c|tail -1
105M total
miki@filly:~/Music$ find . -iname "*.wav" -print0 | sed s/.wav/.wav/g |du --files0-from=- -h -c|tail -1
1,7G total
miki@filly:~/Music$ find . -iname "*.wav" -print0 | sed s/.wav/.ogg/g |du --files0-from=- -h |wc -l
Install prerequisite ffmpeg and ffprobe utilities on apt distributions by doing “apt install ffmpeg”.
BEWARE: script deletes any wav files in current directory and below without warning if conversion to ogg is fine according to ffmpeg return code and stdout/err.
Manual confirmation of all deletions can be enabled by uncommenting line 8 (CONFIRM=..).
It could (very) easily be amended for conversion between any container or compression format supported by ffmpeg by replacing “wav” and “ogg” in glob pattern and OGG variable definition (for completeness also in echo output…).
miki@filly:~/wavtest$ cat ~/hometools/wav2ogg.sh
#! /bin/bash
# Make .ogg out of all .wav in cwd and below, remove .wav!
# When converting remove only if conversion is ok.
# ffprobe any present .ogg and check if playtime is same as wav, remove only if all is good.
#CONFIRM=-i # confirm deletion?
REQS="ffmpeg ffprobe"
which $REQS >/dev/null
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo We need $REQS to do stuff!
exit 1
shopt -s globstar nullglob nocaseglob # enable 2-star magic
for f in **/*.wav; do
OGG=$(dirname "$f")/$(basename "$f" wav)ogg
echo -n "$f: "
if [ ! -f "$OGG" ]; then
echo -en "\e[33mno ogg\e[0m"
echo -en "\e[32malready there\e[0m"
if [ ! "$(ffprobe "$f" 2>&1|grep Duration|cut -d, -f1)" = "$(ffprobe "$OGG" 2>&1|grep Duration|cut -d, -f1)" ]; then
echo -en " - \e[31mogg corrupt\e[0m"
if [ $CONVERT ]; then
echo -en " - \e[33mconverting\e[0m"
OUT=$(ffmpeg -loglevel error -i "$f" "$OGG" 2>&1)
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo -e " \e[31mfatal error!\e[0m\nffmpeg output was:\n\n$OUT\n"
elif [ ! -z "$OUT" ]; then
echo -e " \e[31mnon-fatal error!\e[0m\nffmpeg output was:\n\n$OUT\n"
if [ $OGGOK ]; then
echo -e " - all good removing wav"
rm $CONFIRM "$f"
Usage and Output
miki@filly:~/wavtest$ ls -lR
total 59964
drwxrwxr-x 3 miki miki 4096 Jun 6 22:33 one
-rw-rw-r-- 1 miki miki 61390864 Jun 6 22:32 Sordid Affair (Man Without Country Version).wav
total 30720
drwxrwxr-x 3 miki miki 4096 Jun 6 22:34 two
-rw-rw-r-- 1 miki miki 31451304 Jun 6 22:30 Vision Man MASTER.wav
total 55352
-rw-rw-r-- 1 miki miki 56675660 Jun 6 22:34 Bye Barat - Going For Broke (UNKWON´s Autumn Remix) LIM_02.wav
drwxrwxr-x 2 miki miki 4096 Jun 6 22:34 three
total 375112
-rw-rw-r-- 1 miki miki 384108056 Jun 6 22:30 Rigoremix - Pornographe - Final2.wav
miki@filly:~/wavtest$ du -hs .
509M .
In real life, also in technicolor!
miki@filly:~/wavtest$ ~/hometools/wav2ogg.sh
one/two/Bye Barat - Going For Broke (UNKWON´s Autumn Remix) LIM_02.wav: no ogg - converting - all good removing wav
one/two/three/Rigoremix - Pornographe - Final2.wav: no ogg - converting - all good removing wav
one/Vision Man MASTER.wav: no ogg - converting - all good removing wav
Sordid Affair (Man Without Country Version).wav: no ogg - converting - all good removing wav
miki@filly:~/wavtest$ ls -lR
total 4952
drwxrwxr-x 3 miki miki 4096 Jun 6 22:35 one
-rw-rw-r-- 1 miki miki 5066460 Jun 6 22:35 Sordid Affair (Man Without Country Version).ogg
total 2528
drwxrwxr-x 3 miki miki 4096 Jun 6 22:34 two
-rw-rw-r-- 1 miki miki 2580752 Jun 6 22:35 Vision Man MASTER.ogg
total 4680
-rw-rw-r-- 1 miki miki 4785594 Jun 6 22:34 Bye Barat - Going For Broke (UNKWON´s Autumn Remix) LIM_02.ogg
drwxrwxr-x 2 miki miki 4096 Jun 6 22:35 three
total 19456
-rw-rw-r-- 1 miki miki 19922936 Jun 6 22:35 Rigoremix - Pornographe - Final2.ogg
miki@filly:~/wavtest$ du -hs .
31M .
ffmpeg does some nice metadata conversions out of the box;
miki@filly:~/Music$ ffprobe ~/"wavbak/Delayscape A Short While Rigolin Edit Audaccity.wav" 2>&1| grep Input -A 1000
Input #0, wav, from '/home/miki/wavbak/Delayscape A Short While Rigolin Edit Audaccity.wav':
title : Delayscape - A Short While (Rigolin Edit)
artist : rigolin
comment : Love Melody
date : 2018
Duration: 00:06:33.97, bitrate: 3072 kb/s
Stream #0:0: Audio: pcm_f32le ([3][0][0][0] / 0x0003), 48000 Hz, 2 channels, flt, 3072 kb/s
miki@filly:~/Music$ ffprobe "./Delayscape - Heinz Beauvaix/Soundcloud/Delayscape A Short While Rigolin Edit Audaccity.ogg" 2>&1| grep Input -A 1000
Input #0, ogg, from './Delayscape - Heinz Beauvaix/Soundcloud/Delayscape A Short While Rigolin Edit Audaccity.ogg':
Duration: 00:06:33.97, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 99 kb/s
Stream #0:0: Audio: vorbis, 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 112 kb/s
ENCODER : Lavc56.60.100 libvorbis
TITLE : Delayscape - A Short While (Rigolin Edit)
ARTIST : rigolin
comment : Love Melody
DATE : 2018
Source Material